A masked man who carried out an horrific attack on a young courting couple at an isolated beauty spot was given five life sentences today.

Ian Haywood had already served part of a life sentence for murdering a woman with a machete when he stabbed the teenager girl 35 times.

Old Bailey Judge Graham Boal told Haywood he was such an obvious danger to the public that he recommended he should never be released.

Haywood had been released on licence for just over a year when he attacked the 17-year-old and her boyfriend at a West Sussex beauty spot in January, last year. The young couple cannot be named for legal reasons.

Haywood, 37, of Willow Way, Hurstpierpoint, Westwas convicted of attempted murder, attempted rape, false imprisonment and two offences of attempted robbery.

The teenager, who had 143 stitches and was left permanently scarred after the frenzied attack at Ditchling Common, wept in the public gallery as Haywood was sentenced.

She came close to death as the knife narrowly missed major blood vessels in her neck and other blows were blocked by her ribs.

The Old Bailey was told she was saved by her bravery and courage in kicking Haywood in the groin and "playing dead".

Her 19-year-old boyfriend was locked in the boot of his car after a gun was fired over his head and he was struck with the butt.

Father-of-four Haywood was jailed for killing Karena Bigg-Wither, 26, in Hampshire in 1984, but released on licence in December 1998. The licence has now been revoked.

He had denied being the masked attacker but was convicted after his wife Ann told the jury he came home with blood on his clothes and confessed.