Just in time for National No Smoking day on March 13, you can get a copy of Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking CD and knock nicotine on the head for ever.

With 17 chapters of anti-smoking indoctrination and a host of video clips and animations, this software title could make all the difference if you want to give up.

The CD is based on a book written by ex-smoker Allen Carr.

It has sold more than three million copies and is on the Penguin best-seller list in the UK.

Carr's methods have been adopted by a huge number of multi-national companies, including Virgin, IBM and Hewlett Packard, in an effort to help their staff give up smoking. All have reported significant levels of success.

Allen Carr was a chain smoker going through five packs of cigarettes a day. He managed to find a way to stop in 1983 and hasn't stopped telling people about it ever since.

Mr Carr's methods are endorsed by significant figures, including Anthony Hopkins, who provided a "voice-over", and Richard Branson, who outlined the evils of the weed.

As an ex-smoker, I found the CD fascinating. Carr does understand the smoker's psyche and makes astute observations about "favourite cigarettes".

The software takes a lot of time and trouble to explain motivation and explores all the reasons why people are afraid to stop smoking.

It provides an honest view of smoking and does not appear patronising or superior.

Price: £12.99
Contact: 01480 496600
Feel good factor: 9 out of 10