As a resident of lower Falmer, I couldn't agree more with the Falmer For All campaign. Bring 'em on.

For the Albion to be playing in my back yard would be an absolute honour.

Make your minds up, Brighton and Hove City Council. Our club needs a proper home and, yes, we would fill it every week.

Come on. Pull your finger out. Like Bill Shankly said: "Football is not a matter of life and death. It's more important than that."

It's more important we get a community stadium for our kids as well. Our city needs it. If we had a stadium, we could keep hold of players like Zamora, Cullip and Lewis.

Southampton and Reading have new grounds, Pompey are inquiring yet the team in form on the South Coast, Division Three champions, have no new stadium.

Should we vote these politicians into touch and vote for a new lot to give us what we want?

-Danny Higham, Egginton Close, Falmer