The Zephyrs are a young and feisty wind ensemble who formed just five years ago while they were students at the Royal College of Music.

For two years running, they won the RCM Wind and Brass Ensemble competition and have gone from strength to strength ever since.

The six-strong ensembe, minus its flautist, gave muscular readings of Poulenc, Mendelssohn, Mozart and Tomasi. In the Mendelssohn concert piece number two, basoonist Thomas Oxley and clarinettist Carys Green strutted their stuff and were joined in the Tomasi and Mozart by oboist Helen Barker and horn player Dominic Nunns. Pianist Martin Cousin was on stage throughout.

They are all skillful performers and the ensemble works together superbly, blending and weaving in and out together.

Their trading of the Poulenc was deft and their Mozart, the quintet for piano and wind was fabulous. This three-movement piece was one of Mozart's favourite pieces and this group did him proud.