The claims about parking charges by Tapp, the Brighton and Hove trades protesters, are ridiculous (The Argus, June 6) .

Firstly, they claim they could pay £850 a year by working a six-day week. Do they have to work more than five days?

Surely that is their choice as, by working the sixth, they are making extra money.

On a normal five-day week, that would bring the supposed cost to slightly more than £700. By all means add this to the consumer's bill - what will it amount to per job?

Accounting for holidays, it should be about £14 a week. How much is that divided by the amount of jobs or transactions over five days?

Negligible and, given the amount of tax-deductible and tax-free cash jobs, surely they are getting a good deal.

Perhaps they should think twice before clogging up our already overcrowded roads as a protest.

-Trevor Hopper, Hartington Road, Brighton