I cannot believe yet another call for an alternative site for a community stadium is being bandied about in the letters page of The Argus.

This time (June 24), we have Andy Barnes saying: "I cannot believe Brighton and Hove City Council is even considering the mutilation of our downlands when there is a perfectly good brownfield site for the new Seagulls stadium at the old Shoreham cement works."

I'm beginning to feel like an extra in Groundhog Day, continually reading the same tired arguments.

When are these people going to understand we are talking about Brighton and Hove Albion, not Shoreham Albion, not Newhaven Albion or any other geographical outpost?

The proposed site for the new stadium is not downland that is going to be mutilated. Go there, Mr Barnes, and you will see for yourself it is to be built between two sprawling universities. Downland it is not.

No matter how hard the Nimbys try to talk it up as downland, it is not and has not been since the first university buildings went up there.

As for the council "getting together" with Hargreaves (owners of the cement works), may I ask why?

The site is a totally unworkable proposition because of non-existent transport links. It is also in West Sussex which, last time I checked, has nothing whatsoever to do with Brighton and Hove.

It really is getting tiresome to see these people constantly ignoring the result of the referendum and the council's planning decision. What are we to do next? Have an annual referendum until the Nimbys get the result they like?

It is also interesting to see Mr Barnes would be quite happy to see the stadium built in Shoreham (although, technically, it is Upper Beeding, I believe). Not too selfish there, are we Mr Barnes?

-Robert Martin, Barnwood Court, Guildford