A gay television presenter needed hospital treatment after an "horrific" attack in an internet cafe during which he was subjected to homophobic abuse.

Guy Newson, 36, who presents Channel 4's travel show Get Off, which starts next month, says he is angry and shocked at the attack in Brighton as he believed the city was a tolerant place to live.

He is planning to leave his weekend flat after being punched, bitten and having his head thrust into a computer screen.

Mr Newson, who is recovering at the flat at Brighton Marina, said: "It was horrific. I cried after what happened.

"I felt depressed but also angry that I was beaten up because of my sexuality.

"I don't look openly gay but so what if I did? I'm a nice person and didn't deserve this.

"I thought Brighton was a safe place for gay people but not anymore. I am leaving."

During the assault at the Internet Junction in St George's Road, Kemp Town at 4.30pm on Friday, Mr Newson managed to defend himself with a vase.

He said homophobic obscenities were hurled at him as blood poured from cuts on his face on to his clothes.

He was left bruised, shaken, with a fractured rib and possible kidney damage.

Mr Newson, a regular at the cafe, said he had just sat down when he saw a girl crying. He asked the girl, whom he knew, if everything was okay but her boyfriend called him a queer and hurled other obscenities at him.

He said: "Two minutes later I stood up and he said something else about my sexuality.

"I commented about the age of his girlfriend and he lunged at me.

"He got my head and tried to push it through a computer.

He went absolutely ballistic. There was blood everywhere."

Mr Newson escaped into the street and called 999 before going back to get his bags.

He says he was then dragged behind the counter and his head repeatedly bashed against a wall.

He managed to escape by hitting the attacker with a vase.

He was treated at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, and had dialysis because of an existing kidney problem.

He said: "Anyone who does this is a piece of scum.

"It was a miracle I was able to grab the vase, otherwise it could have been much worse."

A Sussex Police spokeswoman said investigations were ongoing.