The shock of her best friend's death was the push Jan Bosworth needed to take her life into her own hands.

At almost 17st, the 54-year-old knew she was putting her health at risk so she decided to take action.

Less than a year later, Jan has lost 6st and is looking forward to watching her grandchildren grow up.

The mother of two, from Lucerne Close, Portslade, said: "When my friend died suddenly, I felt scared. She was the same age as me. I thought I could have a heart attack from being overweight.

"I had lost an auntie just before and I suppose I comfort ate a bit.

"I didn't want to die and leave my lovely family so I decided to help myself."

A work colleague told Jan about the Slimming World club and she decided to give it a go.

She said: "I went along but didn't think it would work. They say older women can't lose weight but I have. I have cut out lots of rubbish but if I want a cream cake I still have it.

"In fact, I eat more now than I ever have. I was a size 22 and now I can get into a 14. I feel a lot more energetic and confident and my family and partner are thrilled.

"The key is you have to want to do it and my friend's death was the trigger I needed to do something about my life."

Jan's daughter, Emma Palmer, 31, from Mile Oak, the mother of two young children, has followed her example by losing 3st over the same period.

Shane Blissett, who runs the Slimming World class which Jan attends in Shoreham, said she had been privileged to watch her pupil's transformation.

She said: "Jan had all the worries of the world on her shoulders when she first came to class.

"It has been marvellous to see the true Jan emerge, from someone who was dour and subdued to a bubbly, vivacious personality.

"When she came to me she was grief-stricken after her friend had died. She walked with a stoop but now she is tripping the light fantastic.

"It's a fact that losing ten per cent of your body weight improves your health tenfold."