An East Sussex housing association has joined forces with the police to tackle troublemakers in rented accommodation.

Hastings Borough Council is supporting the 1066 Housing Association in its plan to build up evidence against persistent offenders.

A court can then place offenders under an Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO).

ASBOs can be imposed on anyone over ten years old whose behaviour is causing others alarm, distress or harassment.

Evidence is built up against offenders over six months and the case is then taken to court.

People ignoring an Asbo face up to five years in prison.

Councillor Jay Kramer, Cabinet member for community safety, said: "Asbos provide the opportunity to take action against persistent offenders.

"Working closely with the police, the council organises a monthly panel to assess cases where there have been complaints of anti-social behaviour.

"There is also a freephone number for members of the public to report incidents."

The number is 0800 7836084.