More than a month's rainfall in nine days is making July one of the soggiest on record.

So far, 2.18in of rain has fallen compared with the 1.8in average for the entire month.

Traders and holidaymakers are at their wits' end as more than 5in has fallen since the beginning of June, the wettest June-July period for five years.

The forecast offers little respite until the end of the week.

The Argus weather expert Ken Woodhams said: "A seafront worker said it was the worst June and July he could remember for 30 years.

"I don't know about that but this day-after-day cloud, rain and wind is quite depressing."

Some restaurants reported poor business during heavy showers.

Jerry Lee, part owner of the Granville Hotel in Kings Road, Brighton, said he has suffered cancellations.

He is hoping trade will pick up for Fatboy Slim's Normstock II gig on Brighton beach on Saturday.

Mr Lee said: "We've just not had any bookings this summer."

Bigger hotels seem to be faring better.

Richard Baker, manager of The Grand on Brighton seafront, said bookings were 26 per cent up on last year, mainly due to repeat corporate business from national and international companies and organisations.

He said: "Brighton is a highly successful conference destination because of its good communication links and atmosphere.

"People are not lost for things to do when it rains but I too am fed up with the weather we've been having.

"I bought a barbecue for the summer and haven't been able to use it yet."