A Brighton woman who died unexpectedly in hospital had a "lethal combination" of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

Pearl Knight, 54, was admitted to the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, on August 8 last year for an operation for cancer of the rectum.

Although the operation was successful, there were complications and Mrs Knight needed a huge blood transfusion, an inquest at Brighton Magistrates Court was told yesterday.

Mrs Knight, of Heyworth Close, Woodingdean, Brighton, had a nine-litre transfusion but her blood refused to clot and she died ten hours later.

Consultant Dr Chris Swaine said: "Mrs Knight had portal hypertension - high blood pressure as a result of the liver disease."

He said doctors could "just about keep pace" with the blood loss during the operation but it eventually became too great.

Dr Paul Farrands, a consultant surgeon, said Mrs Knight, who drank "three lagers a day", had a "lethal combination" of cirrhosis of the liver and cancer.

Coroner Veronica Hamilton-Deeley recorded a verdict that Mrs Knight died as a result of massive and uncontrollable bleeding during and after a necessary operation, properly performed.

She said: "It is singularly unfair that some people drink like fish and have no problems and others drink a little more than is recommended and have problems."