Next week, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, will announce government spending plans for the next three years as part of the Comprehensive Spending review.

Labour has promised better public services every year in return for higher taxes. But every year it delivers just the higher taxes.

Brighton and Hove deserves better health care, better schools and better public services. Local people deserve better than the services they receive.

They know these services can and must be improved. To do so requires change.

The reality of Labour's record in office is, despite promising to save the NHS, we have more cancelled operations, longer waits in A&E, fewer care home beds and increasing emergency re-admissions.

For all the talk about "education, education, education", teacher vacancies have doubled since 1997.

"Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" rings pretty hollow when, overall, crime is rising again and violent and street crimes have soared. The Government is clearly failing to deliver for the people of Brighton and Hove and no amount of spin can hide its policy failings.

On Monday, we will hear big ideas and grand plans but, if past experience is anything to go by, precious little about actual delivery.

-Jonathan Sheppard, Coombe Road, Brighton