I was interested to see Councillor Simon Battle's comments regarding the review of the Zone N parking scheme in Hove (Letters, July 12).

True, Brighton and Hove City Council did not commit to launching the review in January. In its initial documentation, which can still be found on its web site, it stated: "The scheme will be closely monitored and reviewed within six months to ensure parking facilities are being optimised."

Therefore, instead of January being a start date, it was promised to be the completion date and residents were told their opinions would be taken into consideration as part of this review.

This gave the impression agreed faults would be resolved in a timely fashion, not several years down the line.

The results of the initial questionnaire asking residents if they wanted a parking scheme were equally divided for and against.

These results were not made available until some time after the council had started implementing the scheme.

We were informed the wardens would adopt a "softly softly" approach for the first few months of the scheme to allow parkers to get used to it.

However, judging from numerous letters and articles in The Argus, this was definitely not the case, with NCP taking obvious advantage.

Illegal parking problems had to be resolved because the police were not addressing the issues.

However, as residents, we have already paid for the police service with council tax and income tax, so it is obviously galling to fund an additional scheme because of local failings.

Coun Battle should understand trust must be earned. Continued excuses and railroading of schemes do not fill me with confidence that this review will be fairly undertaken, no matter how many third parties are involved.

-Matthew Dale, The Drive, Hove