Well done to the emergency services on Saturday night, who were at breaking point dealing with an army of revellers who clearly had no idea what was happening.

I was near the back of the swarm and the crushing wasn't too bad. I decided to take a look up front with a few friends, which another 10,000 decided to do as well.

I know no one expected this number of people to turn up but, clearly, if this event is going to happen again, it should be moved well away from the main esplanade to somewhere such as the Marina or even Preston Park.

I was walking through Brighton on Sunday and it looked as though a typhoon had ripped through it.

It was sad to see so much drug-taking by so many youngsters. I saw so many people collapsed on the ground totally away with the fairies.

It was nice to see, however, in the main people were making the most of it and were very well-behaved.

There are not many cities in England that can hold such a large event with so little trouble.

-Ben, Hove