Council chiefs in Brighton and Hove have switched on to buying electricity from a green source.

The city council has signed a new contract to ensure all its electricity comes from renewable supplies, such as wind and water power.

The deal with UK Electric is one of the first in the UK and will save the authority £23,858, four per cent of its annual fuel bill.

Most of the saving comes from the council being exempt from the Government's climate change levy.

This is a tax on conventional fuels, such as oil, coal or gas, which cause global warming.

The levy is one of the Government's ways of encouraging energy conservation and reducing pollution.

Councillor Joyce Edmond-Smith, who chairs the Sustainability Commission, said: "We are leading the way in having an environmentally-friendly fuel supply, buying in renewable energy on such a scale.

"Not only are we making huge savings for the city but we are also helping to keep the air cleaner."

"By doing this, it shows what a switched-on council Brighton and Hove has become."

Coun Edmond-Smith has shown her commitment to green electricity by installing solar panels at her own home.

Councillor Heather James, environment councillor, said: "We hope city businesses will follow our example.

"Renewable energy cuts down on pollution, reducing carbon dioxide emissions significantly.

"Changing from conventional fuel to renewables sets a great example for thinking globally and acting locally."

The council already supplies all its primary and infants schools with renewable energy.

This was under another contract for green electricity, which was agreed last year.

For many years, the authority was unable to find a supplier of green electricity at a reasonable cost but the levy has changed all that.

Under the new contract, green power will be used for the council's headquarters at King's House in Hove.

It will also supply the Brighton Centre, Brighton and Hove Town Halls, the Royal Pavilion estate, Priory and Bartholomew House, Brighton Library and seven secondary schools.