We all complain at the cost of new ink cartridges but now a company called Strydent claims to have come up with a way to save up to 75 per cent on ink costs.

The software, InkSaver somehow changes the algorithm used to determine how much ink is used by the printer and, according to its developers, starts to save money from Day One.

I was somewhat sceptical because I know what a delicate business it is setting up printers to achieve optimal results.

On the other hand, know how much the printer manufacturers rely on sales of ink jet cartridges to subsidise their range of printers, so I felt there was good potential for savings.

The InkSaver interface allows the user to reduce the amount of money he or she wants to spend on ink by reducing the amount of ink used. The software can adjust the density of the ink/air mixture sprayed on to the paper. But I was less than impressed with the results.

The print quality deteriorated immediately and, about half way down the scale, text became unreadable.

Images were no better.

This software should be consigned to the bin.

Price: £29.99.

Contact: www.strydent.com
Feel good factor: nil out of 10.