So the organisers and planners are happy with the Fatboy Slim party on the beach and deem it a success.

Well, apart from the diabolical traffic mess upon the London Road entailing at least a queue of five miles, hundreds of people unable to get home after the party and the disgusting state of the beach the next day, I suppose it could be called a success.

But why on earth, even if Brighton and Hove City Council expected only 40-50,000 people, did it not lay on proper transport for them, such as extra buses and trains?

Perhaps the use of an out-of-town field, rented from a farmer, with a small charge to park and buses making it a park-and-ride for the evening, could have been considered.

Perhaps, one day, someone in the council will realise Brighton just is not the Place to Be where cars and public transport are concerned on occasions such as this, considering how choked up the roads get on normal weekdays.

-B Hart, Petworth Road, Brighton