Adur councillors claimed £37,779 in allowances and expenses last year, one of the lowest of any district council in England and Wales.

The average payment for each district councillor was £969, or £18 a week, with members attending an average of 15 meetings a year.

A basic allowance of £719 is paid to councillors, with those who chair committees receiving a special responsibility allowance.

Councillors decided earlier this year not to increase their allowances. They also agreed to abolish the £16.50 allowance for attending council and committee meetings.

Council chief executive Ian Lowrie said: "Each year Adur councillors are responsible for managing a turnover of more than £33 million in public money.

"They have to make important decisions which affect the lives of everybody in the district.

"You have to be dedicated to stand for public office. Many councillors have full-time jobs so most council duties are in the evening and at weekends.

"The allowances paid to councillors come nowhere near to covering the colossal number of hours put in to make local democracy successful in Adur."