Until Monday evening, I had Lionel Blair pegged as a good song-and-dance man and chairman of the men's team in Give Us A Clue - and that was about it.

But, as an actor in a drama, he is a revelation.

In Who Killed "Agatha" Christie? he plays an acerbic theatre critic who gets his comeuppance in Tudor Gates' intriguing and compelling thriller.

He plays next to old-stager George Sewell - who has been off our television screen for far too long - in what is essentially a fine two-hander that keeps you guessing all the way through.

This duo are perfectly matched, their years of experience giving them splendid timing and an ability to deliver a wisecrack with aplomb and total delight.

Sewell is the actor-playwright who has long been the butt of Arthur's acid and vitriol-filled pen and he wants revenge - wicked and nasty revenge.

This is a comedy thriller with lots of twists and turns, red herrings and dead alleyways.

I won't give anything away other than to say the ending is a surprise and beautifully done.

Blair and Sewell seem destined to work together. Even though they play rivals, the rapport they quickly establish is a delight to watch.

Craggy-faced Sewell, always a great copper or villain, is wonderfully psychotic and totally believable.

Blair, here playing a homosexual, eschews any form of mincing or camp behaviour.

Another beauty of this play is its language. This is well-written, beautifully delivered and totally understandable.

This skilfully-crafted play will keep you wondering all the way through and packs enough venom at critics to give even this ageing hack pause for thought.

It is possible the writer owes a debt to the play Sleuth by Anthony Shaffer but Who Killed "Agatha" Christie? is a lovely and lively original which will have you laughing and wondering.

For tickets or further information, call 01273 328488.