Drinkers will dip into their pockets to help a promising athlete compete in the Commonwealth Games next week.

Patrick Davoren, from Brighton, has been busy training for the Manchester games.

Mr Davoren, 30, dreams of reaching the final of the 3,000m steeplechase but needs to raise cash to fund his trip.

And that is where O'Neill's pub in Ship Street, Brighton, comes in.

A special event is being staged tonight to raise money for Mr Davoren as, unlike high-earning football players, he has to fend for himself.

He said: "An athlete like myself, who is one of the best at his sport but not seen as world class, does not get any funding and it is difficult to make ends meet.

"I think I can go a long way in the next year or so and it is very frustrating.

"I have stopped working for the last couple of months to be able to train and dedicate myself to running faster but it all comes out of my own pocket.

"I would like to go away for a few days to Nice in the south of France to be able to train and relax before the games start. I have had a very tough four or five weeks.

"At Manchester a couple of weekends ago I knocked 15 seconds off my best to qualify for the event."

Mr Davoren, who lives near Preston Park, runs for Phoenix Athletics Club.

Despite the fact he is representing England, he comes from Ireland although he sees Brighton and England as his spiritual home.

He said: "I do not go to Ireland much. I live over here, I compete for a club over here and I am an English athlete now.

"It's a greater honour to compete for England than Ireland because it is a lot more difficult to get on the team.

"I received my first England international vest this morning in the post. This was really exciting. I am thrilled to be going to the Commonwealth Games."

Tonight's event will take place from 9pm to 1am and will include a sports raffle where punters get the chance to win tracksuits, football shirts and a season ticket to see Brighton and Hove Albion.

There will also be live entertainment and a collection. It is hoped £800 will be raised.

Eugene Dineen, manager of O'Neill's, where the athlete sometimes pops in for a drink, said: "He already looks on great form. We are behind him and hopefully this event will help him go that extra mile."