S L of Lewes (Letters, July 19) obviously never had a motorcycle. I have had about 20 of them and about 20 cars. I never had a serious accident with a motorcycle. How can motorcyclists "ride alongside you in the middle of the road, trying to force you to get out of their way"?

Simple mathematics shows why motorcyclist fatalities are proportionately so high. They are vulnerable and if a rider crashes he may be killed. If a car crashes, it may kill others, including motorcyclists.

My advice to those who hate motorcycles is: Get a life and try it for yourself. Once you know the joys of motorcycling, you will not write so many carping letters to the Press. It is the "Sorry, mate, I didn't see you" brigade who should be off the road, not motorcyclists, who are probably the least disruptive of all road users. Also, I hardly ever saw one who did not stop to help another in distress. They often help me. How often does S L of Lewes stop to help another car driver?

-Richard Halfpenny, New Road, Rustington