I was most interested to read about the leaked report on the transport improvement for the South Coast (Aug 29), as it agreed with my comments to City Public Enquiry of Local Plan 2000 and amendments, starting on September 24.

Who is paying for the Halcrow study?

I cannot understand why the tram, instead of single trolleybuses, would be better because major disturbance for tracks and wiring would be incurred, whereas only single aluminium poles for wiring and illumination are necessary for trolley units, as in Holland, for example.

I believe the city would be improved by park-and-ride in Waterhall, Mill Bridge Road, Braypool and Patcham Court Farm.

As a result, the pollution of the valleys and the city centre would be dramatically reduced.

I visualise cheap transport by alternative energy, either solar, wind or tidal power.

-Malcolm G Hampton FRICS (retired), Ladies Mile Close, Brighton