Football pundit Jimmy Hill has vowed to break the law if the Government bans fox-hunting.

Mr Hill, 74, plans to get on a horse for the first time in 15 years in open defiance of any future law against hunting with hounds.

Animal rights campaigners have reacted angrily to his comments and are hoping the police take strict action against him if his illegal protest goes ahead.

Mr Hill, who lives in Hurstpierpoint, said: "I'd be prepared to hunt again with anyone else prepared to defy the ban, just to show up the ridiculous nature of the Government's actions.

"I can't believe our Parliament's discussing this issue when there are so many more important problems like Iraq, rising crime and teacher shortages."

Mr Hill was against hunting as a teenager but started riding aged 33 and joined the North Warwickshire Hunt when manager of Coventry City in the Sixties.

He said: "If, like me, you've been unfortunate enough to have your chickens mangled by foxes, you realise they're not friendly, cuddly animals.

"Foxes do more than their fair share of killing.

"But the attraction of hunting isn't that foxes get killed.

"Part of it is the danger you put yourself in and it's good exercise.

"Hunting is one of the most exciting things I've done in my life."

But anti-hunting protester Jaine Wild, of West Sussex Wildlife Protection Group, said: "The police have put a lot of energy and resources into stopping us from attending hunts and demonstrating legally.

"I hope they show the same attitude and manpower if hunting gets banned and people like Jimmy Hill take illegal actions."