I write on behalf of 43 residents of St Margaret's Court, Arundel Road, Angmering.

As chairman of the residents' association, I have written to West Sussex County Council and attended parish council meetings on the subject of the traffic in Angmering and the primary schools.

When the residents met at a parish meeting in May, they voted unanimously for a new school to be built at Bramley Green and for road safety to be looked into.

Bramley Green backs on to Dell Lane and the builders are seeking to build a road through to Station Road. This road already has traffic jams four times a day.

Bramley Green backs on to the Angmering School so, ideally, a school built on that site would make it easy for children to walk to both schools.

Arundel Road contains a library, a church with between two and four functions every day, the Angmering Club, two primary schools (including St Margaret's) and St Margaret's Court.

It has been stated that 120 extra cars will be needed to bring children into St Margaret's School but Arundel Road cannot park that number.

I have suggested, when the bypass is built, signs are put up at the beginning of each road coming into Angmering forbidding all traffic except for access. This would cost about £8,000.

As there is talk of building on the rugby club ground in Roundstone Lane and a further 300 houses elsewhere, why not a road from Bramley Green to the bypass?

-Moyra Malam, St Margaret's Court, Arundel Road, Angmering