What with it being the season of merriment etc I have been venturing out a lot lately.

So far I have been to the lifeboat do, the work do and a friend's do.

All this has involved much indecision regarding what to wear and what not to wear and questions such as does my bum look big in this?

Having managed to lose a fair bit of weight at the beginning of the year, and thankfully keep it off, most of my previous glam going out wardrobe is a bit voluminous now.

While it's great that something I used to squeeze into now looks like a tent, this has left me a little bit short of appropriate clothing.

A good excuse to go shopping I thought. I stuck to mail order so I could try on things in the privacy of my bedroom.

This had the unfortunate side-effect that I had a voyeur of one, in the shape of daughter, handing out her helpful and considered opinions on each outfit.

"Well it's a really nice dress but don't you think you're too old to wear a style like that?" she offered as I zipped up a little black number.

"That's beautiful,"' she commented on a dark blue ballgown, "but your boobs are too big for it."

This was true but I couldn't say anything as I was having severe difficulties breathing at the time due to my rib cage being squashed.

"Haven't you got anything that covers you up a bit more?' she suggested, as I slipped into a slinky dress.

"You are 44 on Christmas Day you know."

According to her views, I guess I am supposed to go out dressed as a Greek widow now I am over 40.

She then started trying everything on and being taller and skinnier than me, although the same dress size, she did of course look stunningly wonderful in everything, leaving me feeling even more like short, stubby old mum.

I decided she was being less than helpful and got my revenge by making her tidy her bedroom.

She was probably only in my room to try to spy for Christmas presents anyway. Little does she know that they are all stashed at her nan's.

We are just about ready for Christmas now. Tomorrow we are going to the panto at the Theatre Royal, something we have done every year since daughter was tiny.

I am looking forward to this as it's always great fun but I still need to decide what to wear.

Happy Christmas to all of you.