Proposals to revamp a seafront petrol station in Worthing have been rejected by councillors against the advice of their planning experts.

BP wanted to demolish its service station in Brighton Road, Worthing, and build a new complex.

A car wash and vacuum facilities would have been located on previously unused land to the north-east of the existing site.

But the plans sparked anger from neighbours in Seamill Park Avenue, who feared an increase in traffic, more noise, pollution, anti-social behaviour and shop deliveries in the middle of the night.

Some protesters said there had been a history of robberies, and a murder, at the service station.

A report to planners said: "The proposal represents a major development on this site and incorporates land to the rear of residential properties which has previously not been used for any commercial properties."

Officers recommended the scheme be approved but this was overturned by councillors, who were concerned about the scheme's impact on neighbours, especially from security lights.