It truly is stomach-churning to read the likes of Paul Ward and Andy Player waffling on about the Grand Ocean Hotel's decision to take in asylum seekers and their tirades on refugees in general (Letters, January 15).

So, Mr Ward thinks local people will benefit from the cultural and linguistic diversity of asylum seekers, does he?

Whatever happened to integration? Surely he would expect them to learn English and join in with this country's way of life. But this is not what it's all about, is it Mr Ward?

In reality, it's about forcing communities to take in more and more immigrants to make themselves into the multi-cultural utopia you really want us to be - and to hell with anybody who dares stand in the way of your misguided political dogma.

However, the decision to house asylum seekers in Saltdean should come as no surprise to anyone. The Government, having lost control of the asylum and immigration service, is having to put these people in any area whatsoever, irrespective of the cost to local people, industry and future race relations.

Local people matter only when an election looms, which is when politicians surface to plead with us to trust them.

I hope when the next election comes, the people of Saltdean remember who their masters were when this decision was taken. The people of Saltdean made a big difference over the decision to cull badgers. Let us hope they raise their voices long and hard over this one.

-D A Coles, South Coast Road, Peacehaven