Protesters face defeat in their battle to stop a housing development on their doorsteps.

David Wilson Homes wants to demolish six detached chalet bungalows at 88-98 Findon Road, Worthing, and replace them with 21 homes, parking facilities and an access road.

Borough councillors approved the scheme last August. However, because the developers wanted to change the layout, they resubmitted the application.

The site is between The Heights and Mayfield Close. Existing homes are set back 35m from the road and screened by trees.

The council received 11 objections to the plans, with one stating: "It is most regrettable that adjoining residents are to lose the sylvan look of the site that the council at one stage tried to retain.

"With the density of the development proposed, there is no chance of softening the development, no matter what type of landscaping is used."

Another warned: "The roads in this area are very congested, not only at peak times, and the proposal, together with the 875 houses to be built in Titnore Lane and the development being built at Angmering, will only exacerbate the problems."

Neighbours said badgers had been seen on the land but this hadn't been considered by planners.

There was also concern about the loss of five beech trees and a plum tree which were protected by tree preservation orders but would have to be felled.

West Sussex County Council, the highway authority, said the developers should contribute £25,000 towards improvements in public transport in the area, such as bus shelters, plus £11,100 to help middle schools cope with the additional children generated by the housing.

A report to planners stated: "Generally, the design of the dwellings is considered acceptable. A range of house types are proposed which will ensure a varied and interesting development."

The decision on whether to give final approval has been delegated to the council's head of planning.