Two works of art destined for abroad will be unveiled by embroiderers on Friday.

The Worthing branch of the Embroiders' Guild has spent the last year making two wall-hangings at the request of Worthing Twinning Association.

They will be presented to the Mayor of Worthing, councillor Eric Mardell, who will hand them on to Worthing's twin areas in France and Germany.

A total of 22 embroiderers took part in the scheme, and the hangings now feature famous Worthing and West Sussex landmarks.

The branch meets regularly at Field Place, Durrington.

Eileen Blaney, coordinator of the project, said: "They are totally finished and the association is arranging visits to France and Germany to hand them over.

"We hope they will be displayed and enjoyed and that we shall be able to form a connection with French and German embroiderers."