As a member of the Brighton and Hove in Bloom working party, I highlighted the problem, also prevalent elsewhere in the country, of chewing gum discarded on the pavements, even around the litter bins.

We try to make the city a better place to live in with flower displays only for it to be spoilt by gum. We need a campaign with other towns to combat this menace.

Put pressure on the manufacturers to provide an effective machine to clean up the mess or sue them. Ban the sale or tax it like cigarettes.

Pass a by-law to fine those discarding it. Ban all advertising posters like those in our bus shelters.

Finally, provide posters for schools, colleges, universities, libraries and clubs saying: "Don't drop it, bin it."

The problem cannot be ignored in the hope it will go away. Action must be taken.

-Gerry Nevill, Rushlake Close, Coldean