In a world of "dog eat dog", there was no more competitive spirit than in the hourly chase for column inches in newspapers, magazines and reviewers' columns.

There was a corps of people known as public relations persons or PRs, as we used to call them when I was in the recording business full time.

I saw and worked with the full spectrum, from those with no scruples to those few who rose above the pack but still succeeded through sheer talent and the trust they created.

In the top ten of that list was my friend of decades who worked with me for many years, Brian Gibson.

Brian, a gentle, caring soul, leaves a legacy to all who knew him of noble character, a good name and a loving personality.

He was a man to be loved and respected because he loved and respected. He was one of the genuine natural princes among the very few it has been my good fortune to know.

Brian's special way of touching each of the lives personally of all those who knew him will remain in our hearts forever - a very special man who will be missed.

-Jeffrey Kruger MBE, Founder, Ember Records