A poet is looking for volunteers to join him in a global anti-war protest.

David Roberts, from Burgess Hill, will join up to a million peace protesters in London for a rally in Hyde Park on Saturday.

Mr Roberts and other members of the Mid Sussex Global Peace Campaign have organised a coach from Burgess Hill for those taking part in the three-mile march across the capital.

Mr Roberts said: "To start a war of aggression in Iraq is a crime against humanity. People need to make their feelings known about such an important issue.

"Joining the protest at what is expected to be the biggest peace demonstration this country has ever seen is one way of doing this. For every one of the people attending the rally, there will be hundreds who feel the same.

"This is something the Government cannot ignore."

The protest, organised by the Stop the War Coalition, CND and the Muslim Association of Britain, will be one of more than 60 taking place in cities round the world, including Madrid, Mexico City, Beirut and Bangkok.

Mr Roberts, 60, taught English at Oathall Community College in Haywards Heath before becoming a full-time writer and publisher.

He has edited two volumes of Second World War poetry called Minds At War and Out Of The Dark and also wrote Kosovo War Poetry.

Mr Roberts is urging people to write to their MP to protest about a possible war with Iraq.

The 55-seat coach will leave for the London rally at 8am. Tickets cost £7.