Vandals have targeted the home of a terminally-ill cancer victim for the sixth time in a month.

The latest attack happened just weeks after we reported how police had failed to visit the 77-year-old widow, who only wants to be known as Beatrice, despite five vandal attacks on her home in three weeks.

Yesterday, she wept after discovering vandals had pulled down a section of her front fence and her garden ornaments had been ripped up.

She reported the latest incident to police at noon yesterday and was upset no officers had been to see her by 6.30pm.

Last night Beatrice said: "I'm not surprised, I'm disgusted - although I really didn't expect to see them.

"The Argus are the only people who seem to be interested and who make a difference."

Beatrice has had the windows of her bungalow in Portslade boarded up since they were broken last month, leaving her unable to see into her front garden.

She said: "I am terrified somebody will break into the house through the front windows. The fence was not much but it made me feel a little more secure.

"I was very proud of my garden and when I was able, I would spent a lot of time out there."

Beatrice, who suffers from bone marrow cancer, is having a metal fence made to help her feel safer, which she hopes will be fitted this week.

A spokesman for Sussex Police said Beatrice would be seen by officers but garden damage was not classed as an emergency requiring immediate attention.