A family tree has revealed blood links between Mid Sussex MP and US president George W Bush dating back to the 15th Century.

The ancestral document reveals Tory MP Nicholas Soames, grandson of Winston Churchill, and Mr Bush are descended from the same English stock.

The link has been traced to Henry Spencer, who lived in Badby, Northamptonshire, in the 15th Century.

Mr Soames said: "I'm very proud, and I'm sure George Bush is very proud to be related to my grandfather as he has always been rather a fan.

"Bush is often portrayed as a gung-ho cowboy but he is a chap of principles and I think it is right for Britain to support him.

"I agree with every word he says on Iraq. People say we are rushing to war but it's been going on for the last 12 years. It must be brought to a conclusion.

"Obviously it would be best if it could be a peaceful solution but that may not be possible."

Henry Spencer, who lived from 1420 to 1478, married Isabella Lincoln and their son William founded the line that would produce Winston Churchill and Diana, Princess of Wales.

The family tree was originally created by American company MyFamily.com to show the link between Churchill, Nicholas Soames' grandfather, and the American President.

Mr Bush's admiration for the wartime leader is well known. He keeps a bust of Churchill in the Oval Office.