Having just read an item regarding Thames Valley Police and their "loss" of officers to the Met, I have to ask is it not about time we had a national police force sharing the same wages and conditions?

The huge gap there used to be in cost of living between London and other areas of the country has gradually been eroded, especially in the South East.

Here in Woodingdean, I can't remember the last time I actually saw a "beat bobby" in the area - I think a visitor from outer space is more likely.

The last "beat bobby" we were reliably informed we had has, after a few short weeks, been transferred to another area.

With the cut in the government grant Brighton and Hove City Council will be receiving, we will doubtless be asked to pay more for our share towards policing.

The service we receive in this area is a joke. Over the years, we have gone down from two local bobbies who we actually used to see, through one who we haven't caught sight of for years, to none.

Some progress in this day and age.

No wonder public confidence is waning with our so-called local policing.

-Mrs Beryl Rittman, Rosedene Close, South Woodingdean, Brighton