A campaign has been launched to encourage people to only order the medicines they really need.

The repeat prescribing campaign is being run by Eastbourne Downs Primary Care Trust with support from GPs and pharmacists.

It aims to cut the large amount of medicines wasted each year and reduce workload in practices and pharmacies.

Jackie Lamberty, the PCT's head of prescribing and pharmacy services, said: "We know about £1.3 million worth of medicines are returned to community pharmacies in East Sussex for destruction every year.

"How much more is sitting in people's medicine cabinets? It's a shame to see money wasted which could fund other NHS services locally.

"For example, that money could provide 500 cataract operations or 75 hip replacements a year."

Leaflets and stickers are available at pharmacies and surgeries in Eastbourne, Hailsham, Seaford and surrounding area.

There are two main messages: Only order what you need and order everything you need just once a month.

This will reduce the time surgery staff and pharmacists spend producing and dispensing prescriptions.

If a medicine is not ordered every month it will not be taken off the repeat prescription list.

Nationally, repeat prescriptions cause wastage estimated to be in excess of £100 million every year, between six and ten per cent of the total prescribing costs.

Eastbourne Downs PCT's prescribing budget is £25 million, which means that up to £2.5 million could be wasted each year in the Eastbourne area alone.