"Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." That's an excerpt from the original version of the Lord's Prayer.

The lines have been changed but the bit about debts and debtors must have been an embarrassment to a very rich Christian church.

There was a fuss when banks closed many of their country branches. One of the banks made an apology, not for closing branches but for failing to give customers adequate notice.

That's banks for you.

MPs raised questions about the closures. The banks say that it's difficult to make money in poor areas.

Lack of a proper bank can make life difficult. It leaves the way open for loan companies charging exorbitant rates of interest.

I was shown a Provident loan book. Loan £500, interest £310, all to repaid in 53 weeks.

Other companies charge more.

Personal debt is spiralling. The Citizens' Advice Bureau in Haywards Heath told me budgets for the office had been cut but the caseloads increased.

Many of the problems were debt related.

Debt is not confined to any particular type or class of person but is often acute among parents of young families.

Despite low inflation there is no let-up in the increasing cost of housing, rates and transport.

Parents want the best for their children but as they grow up there is more expense. Offers of loans are everywhere - repayment is the problem.

We live in a society in which Government relies on consumers to keep our economy on track.

There is a social cost - economists calculate personal debt is rising by ten per cent a year. There will be a day of reckoning.

Help is needed for those trapped in debt. Charities, particularly the Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCS), the Citizens' Advice Bureaux and credit unions are doing their best but easy credit makes matters worse.

I met Chris Ledger, of licensed debt counsellors Twin Pier.

Some debt management companies have been criticised but Chris Ledger is straightforward about his fees.

He offers free advice and can often give immediate help, which is extremely important.

All those involved in the debt problem say the worst you thing you can do is to ignore the problem.

So if you're in trouble, ring today.

For help, call: CCS Helpline on 0800 138111.

Twin Pier on 0870 2461844. Brighton Credit Union on 01273