Further to the report of the race row over the 300-year-old pub sign at The Labour In Vain hostelry in Westergate, near Chichester (The Argus, February 10), depicting the historic folk tale of a white woman trying to scrub her illegitimate black baby boy white to prevent her infidelity being discovered, perhaps it would be appropriate, given the recent publicity, to rename the pub The Michael Jackson Arms.

A more serious aspect of this story is that £25,000 is being provided to anti-racism campaigners who have formed an action committee to fight for a change of sign, consisting of members from the Black and Minority Ethnic Community Project, the Racial Harassment Forum and the Refugee and Asylum-Seekers' Forum.

So, can we assume, if asylum-seekers from ethnic minorities are allowed to settle in Saltdean and the surrounding area, these self-appointed, oh so sensitive, politically correct meddlers will eventually, no doubt, wish to interfere with our heritage and folklore wherever it offends them, however innocent their intentions are?

-Ken Tancred, Eileen Avenue, Rottingdean