Education inspectors have given Worthing College a clean bill of health.

A team of Ofsted inspectors visited the Bolsover Road college in October, attending 152 lessons before reporting on the strengths of the college and areas where improvements were needed.

Ninety-four per cent of lessons demonstrated satisfactory or better teaching. Strong subject areas were judged to be science, mathematics, business studies, social sciences and modern foreign languages.

However, the college was told it needed to improve its teaching of information technology.

The report praised the college's careers guidance and its good range of personal, pastoral and learning support for students.

It also cited the high number of well-qualified staff as a strength. Attendance rates at the college were above average for sixth-form colleges.

Although facilities and resources were strong in several areas, including the recently-improved science laboratories, they were poorer in performing arts and sport.

A college spokesman said: "The inspectors' judgments on these matters verified the college's own assessment of the weaknesses of its accommodation and reinforced the importance for the college of securing a successful outcome to its efforts to procure new buildings fit for a 21st Century educational establishment.

"Such an outcome would also enable the college to meet the needs of students with physical disabilities, something it is currently unable to do."

Students spoke well of their supportive and friendly tutors, the learning resources centre and the new science laboratories.

But they would like to see accommodation improved, including that for social and recreational use.