Councillors have backed plans to carry out a "minimal" upgrade of a cash-hit swimming pool.

Leisure officers launched an investigation after learning the Aquarena pool in Brighton Road, Worthing, was expected to make £155,120 less than expected this year Councillors had budgeted for a deficit of £54,100 and now the borough council may inject an emergency £50,000 to upgrade facilities.

But Councillor Steven Waight, leader of the Conservative opposition on the council, accused the Liberal Democrat rulers of "sticking plaster solutions".

He feared £2 million from the sale of Hill Barn Golf Club was being frittered away and warned once the money was gone Worthing would still be left with old-fashioned facilities.

This was rejected as nonsense by Councillor Chris Sargent, chairman of the council's economic development committee.

Aquarena manager Bryn Phillips said: "Clearly a range of managerial action is necessary to attempt to address these trading downturns.

"It is also anticipated that, subject to final agreement of the budget, some capital resources will be available to undertake a minimal upgrade or improvement to parts of the facility.

"Detailed discussions have yet to take place to determine how much will need to be spent on essential building and plant items and how much can be spent on work which may have a more immediate payback in terms of income, or at least slowing the rate of decline.

"It is undoubtedly true the building is looking its age and that this is having an impact upon usage.

"Even if it were possible to spend the whole of the anticipated capital sum on visible improvements, this would do little to address the problem."

Mr Phillips said use of the gym had been affected by the opening of a club in Rustington while people also now had more choice of swimming pools, such as in Steyning.

The council's executive supported emergency spending on the Aquarena and expressed the hope the size of the deficit would not be as great next year.