A clergyman about to take up a job in another parish has spoken of his sorrow at leaving Goring after three years.

The Reverend Stephen Gurr, curate at St Mary's church, is shortly moving to St John The Baptist Church in Findon.

In his final address to Goring parishioners, he said: "Some might say three years is not long enough to settle anywhere but as I have found myself often saying to people, as a family we settled into Goring quickly and happily and we have put down strong roots.

"When the Archdeacon phoned me while we were still at Hastings and suggested we consider a move to Goring, I have to confess I had never heard of the place.

"It has been a tremendous privilege to share in the life of the parish here, its worship, its mission, its joys and pains.

"Your generosity and care towards us as a family have touched us immensely."