A petty crook once dubbed the "world's worst burglar" was back behind bars today after another bungled attempt at crime.

Leo Lirette, 60, has a string of convictions stretching back to 1957.

Yesterday he added another to his 70-plus tally after pleading guilty to theft.

Lirette, notorious for his Fagin-like appearance, arrived in court wearing a fake fur body-warmer.

As he was led into court he asked for directions to "the animal cage" - a reference to the glass-enclosed dock.

Nickie Burden, prosecuting, told Hove Crown Court Lirette was caught on CCTV stealing packs of watch batteries from Boots the Chemist in September last year.

As he left a security alarm sounded so he returned to the counter and pocketed the batteries, leaving the packaging behind.

Ms Burden said Lirette's criminal record included 60 offences of theft and 12 of fraud.

She said in September 1999, Lirette was jailed for two years for burgling the home of a neighbour in St Aubyn's Gardens, Hove.

He was still on licence for this offence when he committed the Boots theft.

Kelly German, defending, said the theft was an impulsive act, which was committed as part of Lirette's chaotic life.

She said Lirette had acquired some old watches at a jumble sale and wanted batteries to sell them on. She added he had been a severe alcoholic since he was a teenager.

She said: "He was hungry, he didn't have any money and he committed this offence. Alcohol has destroyed his life and it is these underlying alcohol problems that are to blame for all these offences."

She said he was the epitome of someone who had been institutionalised for years but had now cut down on his drinking and had the offer of a flat and work as a gardener.

She said: "These are the best opportunities he has had in years."

Recorder Mr Lyndsey Burn said the offence was a "calculated, premeditated and deliberate theft" and he had left his guilty plea to the very last moment.

He said Lirette had a "most appalling record" and he had broken his licence period on his previous conviction, which still had 180 days to run. He jailed Lirette for a total of 97 days - half the remaining licence period plus seven days for the theft.