A co-ordinator has been appointed to provide childcare advice to NHS staff.

Penny Parker is the child and family care co-ordinator for South Downs Health, Brighton and Hove City Primary Care Trust and Sussex Ambulance Service.

Her job is to collate information about childcare schemes available and find out what else might be needed.

She advises parents who need help and advice about childcare and will be actively developing what is available.

Providing good childcare is seen as a key to helping the NHS recruit and retain workers.

It also helps to bring back those who have left to have a family.

Appointing local childcare co-ordinators is part of a nationwide NHS initiative.

Ms Parker is now working with colleagues to find out what childcare opportunities are available in East Sussex and parts of West Sussex.

This includes childminders, nurseries, before and after-school clubs, holiday schemes and evening, night-time and weekend options for staff working different shifts.

She said: "There is a great need for more flexible childcare, which we need to look at on a county-wide basis."