If rules are made to be broken, Ennio Marchetto is the king of destruction.

He dismantles barriers, demolishes clichs and pokes a finger in the eye of pigeonholing - in short, he transcends genres.

Variety called him "a living art gallery" and The San Francisco Examiner the "Italian super mime" but Ennio prefers "living cartoon model" - a simple but accurate explanation of his ingenious work.

Using colourful paper costumes and eccentric mime techniques, he ridicules famous figures such as Prince, Tina Turner, Madonna, the Mona Lisa and Elton John.

In any one show, Ennio performs about 50 characters, made up of more than 200 pieces of paper. Once all the costumes have been checked, they are laid out in order on a table backstage. One misplaced costume means the whole show is at risk.

Ennio says: "It's not just one costume for one character. For example, the Michelin Man transforms into a Fat Elvis who then transforms into a fat Britney Spears.

"The show might appear simple but it involves a lot of creativity and imagination. That's what makes it special."

Tickets cost £12/£10, show starts 8pm. Call 01273 685861.