I wonder if anyone knows what is happening to the traffic in Newhaven?

It seems laughable to me that the roadworks underway on the Newhaven one-way system are to improve access to the area. In my experience, the whole area is in gridlock most times I travel through.

The problem occurs where the two lanes go into one before Bridge Street. Because the merging area is such a dangerous place, it is controlled by traffic lights.

The new road layout means this area will always be one lane so will it always be controlled by traffic lights or is it going to become a dangerous free-for-all?

It often takes an hour to travel from Denton Corner to the Newhaven one-way system even without the bridge opening.

Surely, if people are going to sit in traffic for any significant length of time, they are going to completely avoid the area instead of shopping there?

This will hardly improve business in the town. In addition, emergency services are going to find it very difficult to travel around the area.

I live in Peacehaven and work in Newhaven and would be very interested to know if this situation is expected to improve and exactly how it is supposed to improve.

From sitting in the traffic and looking at the new layout of the road, I cannot see traffic flowing freely through the area when there is any great volume on the roads.

-Emma Rothwell, Peacehaven