Stadium bosses have strenuously denied the home of speedway in Sussex is under threat.

Talk had circulated that Arlington stadium, near Hailsham, was about to close and housing built in its place.

The rumour stemmed from a Hailsham Town Council meeting when Arlington was mentioned in a discussion on brownfield development.

Stadium bosses dismissed talk of closure as false and reassured fans by saying Arlington was guaranteed for years to come.

Manager Roy Prodger said: "We've signed a contract which means speedway will be here until 2005. Even then, we'll be looking to extend the contract. There's no need for fans to worry."

The stadium, which attracts about 150,000 people a year through speedway, stock cars and banger racing, is home to the Eastbourne Eagles.

A new season starts on March 16.

Councillor Nigel Coltman said: "A conversation happened to arise about what would happen if Arlington was ever to close. But it wasn't a true plan and it seems as if people have got the wrong idea."