Police in Horsham are urging the public to help with a crackdown on car crime.

Officers who have launched Operation Hyena, led by district commander Sally Simmonds, want members of the public to report abandoned vehicles and protect themselves against car theft.

Officers are also stepping up patrols.

CI Simmonds said: "We are finding many cars are stolen by offenders who have first taken the keys. People need to ensure they don't make themselves easy prey.

"We are receiving a fair number of calls regarding opportunist thieves cruising our area.

"A number of our stolen vehicles are abandoned. We would like the public to call.

"Where vehicles turn out not to be stolen but simply abandoned, we will arrange their early removal under the crackdown scheme, which we are operating in conjunction with Horsham District Council."

Anyone with information can call CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111.