Negotiations are continuing in a bid to end a strike by ambulance workers in Sussex.

Sussex Ambulance Service NHS Trust staff began industrial action this week in support of better pay and conditions.

The strike means a ban on voluntary overtime and crews will not be on standby at roadside locations or record journey times.

Unions want a pay rise of five per cent but ambulance bosses have offered workers 3.6 per cent.

Union leaders met with managers at the arbitration service Acas on Wednesday but no agreement was reached.

An ambulance service spokesman said there had been a frank and open exchange of views and exploration of the issues involved.

An urgent meeting of the ambulance service board is now being arranged and further meetings with union negotiators are expected.

Unison regional officer Peter Croxford said he was disappointed at the lack of a firm offer on the table at yesterday's talks but negotiations would continue.

Ambulance chief executive David Griffiths said the trust board was committed to trying to resolve the dispute quickly.