Having looked at Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown's Budget, I am once again down in the doldrums - nothing for us disabled people, yet again.

I think the Government is of the misguided opinion that because it gives tax relief to blind people and has a pathetic tax credit for low- income earners that is enough. Well, it isn't.

Disabled people, sadly, have higher expenses because of the way society is structured against them.

Even with DLA and money from a full time job, I am struggling to make ends meet - and, no, I don't drink, I don't smoke and the only holidays I go on are to family or close friends.

My one extravagance is my computer and even that comes at a price.

No wonder some disabled people don't want to find a job. It's far too expensive for them in the long run.

-Suchi Chatterjee, Brighton