How sad the comment that paying the first instalment of council tax reminds Tommy Carr which party to vote for on May 1 (Letters, April 22).

Party politics is destroying local government and, sadly, there is no alternative.

The electorate ought to see who has served, or is likely to serve, their wards best, irrespective of political party affiliation.

Party politics should be for national government - the manipulators of legalised financial restrictions over local government, often to reduce Treasury errors.

This situation does not differ whichever political party forms the Government - politicians couldn't organise a party, even in a brewery.

Nationally, it has been interesting to note the Conservatives sided with Tony Blair over war with Iraq, as they will over the euro referendum, thus once again ignoring a huge proportion of the electorate.

As does party politics in local elections.

-John Stanaway, Hove